SIC Cumulative Bibliography

The SIC Cumulative Bibliography is an electronic database listing the titles of books, pamphlets, catalogues and articles on or connected with historical scientific instruments. The web interface to this database allows Quick and Advanced mode searches and the database contents will be updated periodically. The bibliography was first issued annually in 1983; most of its entries have been published in the last 25 years; at present, the database holds over 3600 entries.

*** With apologies, due to software technical problems, online access
to the SIC Cumulative Bibliography database is unavailable. **

King Solomon

About submitting new database entries

The SIC bibliographer, Dalila Wallé of the Boerhaave Museum, will be updating this database twice annually. It is asked that you please contact her with any relevant new books, articles, offprints, dissertations, or notices of publication for inclusion into the database (including ISBN numbers where appropriate). Her email address is: .

To avoid duplicate effort regarding new submissions, the below list of journals is systematically checked for relevant articles for inclusion in the SIC cumulative bibliography; thus no other action is needed.

  • Ambix
  • Annals of Science
  • Antiquarian Horology
  • The Antiquaries Journal
  • Archaeometry
  • Archive for History of Exact Sciences
  • Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
  • Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
  • British Journal for the History of Science
  • British Sundial Society Bulletin
  • Bulletin of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
  • Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society
  • Centaurus
  • Early Science and Medicine
  • Equilibrium
  • Gewina
  • Globusfreund
  • Histoire et Mesure
  • Historia Scientiarum
  • History and Technology
  • History of Science
  • History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
  • Imago Mundi
  • ISIS
  • Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
  • Journal of the Antique Telescope Society
  • Journal of the Oughtred Society
  • Journal for the History of Astronomy
  • Journal of the History of Collections
  • Journal of the Warburg & Courtauld Institutes
  • Kultur und Technik
  • Medical History
  • Notes and Records of the Royal Society
  • Nuncius
  • The Quekett Journal of Microscopy
  • La Revue du Musée des Arts et Métiers
  • Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
  • Rittenhouse
  • Science in Context
  • Sphaera
  • Scientiarum Historia
  • Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science /
  •    Modern Physics / Biological and Biomedical Sciences
  • Technikgeschichte
  • Technology & Culture
  • Transactions of the Newcomen Society

Old SIC bibliography files

Thirteen prior SIC bibliographies are available in the old list format. Offered as PDF files and organized as straightforward lists, these files may provide users with a simple, but possibly useful, way to access this information. The below files are being saved for archive only - no further updates will be made to files in this old list format.

  • A Classified Bibliography on the History of Scientific Instruments (date: 1997, approx. 1800 entries in 111 categories)
  • A Supplement to A Classified Bibliography on the History of Scientific Instruments (date: 1998, 518 entries in 39 categories)
  • SIC Bibliography 14 (date: 1998, 189 entries)
  • SIC Bibliography 15 (date: 1999, 178 entries)
  • SIC Bibliography 16 (date: 2000, 162 entries)
  • SIC Bibliography 17 (date: 2001, 199 entries)
  • SIC Bibliography 18 (date: Spring 2002, 159 entries)
  • SIC Bibliography 19 (date: Autumn 2002, 66 entries)
  • SIC Bibliography 20 (date: Spring 2003, 82 entries)
  • SIC Bibliography 21 (date: Autumn 2003, 65 entries)
  • SIC Bibliography 22 (date: Spring 2004, 84 entries)
  • SIC Bibliography 23 (date: Summer 2004, 46 entries)
  • SIC Bibliography 24 (date: Autumn 2004, 36 entries)
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